Friends Arena
A minute from the hotel
Staying with us if the perfect choice if you are going to Friends Arena. By commuter train, we are less than 2 minutes away.
Commuter train, just one stop away
Car, just about 5 minutes. Parking inside Mall of Scandinavia
Taxi, fast and simple. About 5 minutes drive.
Bus, #503 to Solna Station. Walk for about 10 minutes
Walking, just about 20
Stay with Us
Breakfast ann wifi are including in your stay. We have rooms for up to 4 persons. Choose from a small Compact room to a larger Comfort room or maybe our Park Suite?
You can buy a parking ticket at the front desk. An indoor and secure parking is available, next to the hotel.
Dogs are welcome to stay with us. An extra charge of 500 SEK will be added to your bill.
Järva Park Hotel offers the following
Shower or bath (not in the Compact small)
24/7 Front Desk
Rooms for up to 4 persons
Breakfast inlcuded
Tea- and coffee maker in all rooms